The drama program aims to provide a variety of opportunities for students to build performance and writing skills in theatre and film. Drama is an expressive art that requires careful analysis and observation of the self - alone and in relation to others. To study drama is to study what it means to be human in a universal way and what it means to be us as individuals in a very specific way. We incorporate a variety of schools of dramatic thought but are strongly influenced by naturalistic theatre training of 20th Century American practitioners. During our variety of projects and processes, we build a strong sense of community, support and teamwork.
open to all grades
The purpose of this course is to build skills as an actor and a director. Students will study naturalistic acting techniques as developed by American theater practitioners over the last 150 years. The community of actors in the class will build a strong, collaborative team and create a safe space through drama games and theater exercises. Students will use improvisational acting to create character and define all elements of creating a scene. All members will be responsible for acting and directing specific scenes, which have been made legendary by world-class theater artists over the past century and a half. This course is designed for students who are comfortable speaking and performing as well as for the shy student interested in improving confidence and communication skills.
The FCA music program offers a variety of courses and performing ensembles that cater to non-musicians, beginning musician, and more advanced students of music. The program emphasizes the practical/performance aspect of music and at the same time provides for academic development within the subject.
(year-long, open to grade 11 / 12)
The ultimate goal of an AP Music Theory course is to develop a student's ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. This course will address fundamental aural, analytical, and compositional skills using both listening and written exercises. The course will include more creative tasks, such as the harmonization of a melody by selecting appropriate chords, composing a musical bass line to provide two-voice counterpoint, or the realization of figured-bass notation. Enrolment will be by the permission of the Department Chair.
year long, open to all
Chorus is open to any student who expresses an interest in singing. An audition is not required, but an audition-style check-in will take place at the beginning of the year for voice placement. Repertoire will consist of classical, sacred, secular, world music, jazz, pop and contemporary. In addition, class time will be spent concentrating on music theory, vocal and sight-reading skills. The chorus will give several performances, both on and off campus, including Open Houses, winter and spring concerts, special assemblies, and occasional festival competitions or adjudications.
Fall semester, open to all
This is an introductory course designed for beginning students with little or no prior guitar skills. The course will contain an overview of note and rhythm reading, single note melodies, strumming, basic chord construction, 12 bar blues, and reading tablature. Guitars will not be provided but students are advised to bring their own.